[スレ作成日時]2024-05-18 17:20:56
[2024-05-18 17:35:22]
[2024-05-18 17:38:45]
[2024-05-18 17:39:55]
[2024-05-18 23:32:52]
知るは一時の恥、知らぬは一生の恥。 誰でも知っていることを一生知らない底辺層がここに紛れ込んでいることを忘れてはいけません。 |
[2024-05-19 13:17:12]
下手この英語どうなった? |
An EnglishMan
[2024-05-19 17:46:27]
>>5 匿名さん
As I imagined, you have not a courage or a self confidence. How about your good English ? LOL |
[2024-05-22 11:35:40]
//www.e-mansion.co.jp/bbs/thread/4088/res/673 673 mr no name adroit in his repose 1日前 >>672 匿名粘着ガム The human individual is anonymized in certain important respects in the most complicated bit of machinery in existence. And its machinery is, of course, biological. It is thus clearly impossible to write down his handlename in English and to survey the relations between biological science and the human organism in this single post ; for to do this properly would require a treatise on physiology, a treatise on psychology, a treatise on embryology, and a treatise on medecine. All I can hope to do is, taking a great deal of knowledge for granted, to show some of the ways in which the advance of biological biological knowledge may be expected to react upon our attitude to our control of our individual human selves in setting pairs of wet shoes in our proper alcoves of our condominiums to dry them up. ![]() ![]() |
A university English teacher in Tokyo
[2024-05-22 13:33:10]
[2024-05-22 16:48:50]
[2024-05-22 17:11:46]
https://www.e-mansion.co.jp/bbs/thread/4088/res/688/ 688 a representative in democracy 3時間前 削除依頼 >>673 mr no name adroit in his repose さん バカ連中が改行改行って些末なことで煩いから代理投稿。 ほんと英語の読めない低レベルはくだらねえことにしつこいみたいですねw >>672 匿名粘着ガム The human individual is anonymized in certain important respects in the most complicated bit of machinery in existence. And its machinery is, of course, biological. It is thus clearly impossible to write down his handlename in English and to survey the relations between biological science and the human organism in this single post ; for to do this properly would require a treatise on physiology, a treatise on psychology, a treatise on embryology, and a treatise on medecine. All I can hope to do is, taking a great deal of knowledge for granted, to show some of the ways in which the advance of biological knowledge may be expected to react upon our attitude to our control of our individual human selves in setting pairs of wet shoes in our proper alcoves of our condominiums to dry them up. タイポを指摘してあげるならば、 mrはMr.、medecineは、medicineですね。 内容は読む気が全くしないので、しらんけど。 |
[2024-05-22 18:12:25]
>>10 匿名さん
原文 The human individual is anonymized in certain important respects in the most complicated bit of machinery in existence. And its machinery is, of course, biological. It is thus clearly impossible to write down his handlename in English and to survey the relations between biological science and the human organism in this single post ; for to do this properly would require a treatise on physiology, a treatise on psychology, a treatise on embryology, and a treatise on medecine. All I can hope to do is, taking a great deal of knowledge for granted, to show some of the ways in which the advance of biological knowledge may be expected to react upon our attitude to our control of our individual human selves in setting pairs of wet shoes in our proper alcoves of our condominiums to dry them up. |
[2024-05-22 19:05:07]
![]() ![]() |
[2024-05-22 19:10:38]
673 mr no name adroit in his repose 1日前 削除依頼 >>672 匿名粘着ガム The human individual is anonymized in certain important respects in the most complicated bit of machinery in existence. And its machinery is, of course, biological. It is thus clearly impossible to write down his handlename in English and to survey the relations between biological science and the human organism in this single post ; for to do this properly would require a treatise on physiology, a treatise on psychology, a treatise on embryology, and a treatise on medecine. All I can hope to do is, taking a great deal of knowledge for granted, to show some of the ways in which the advance of biological biological knowledge may be expected to react upon our attitude to our control of our individual human selves in setting pairs of wet shoes in our proper alcoves of our condominiums to dry them up. >the advance of biological biological knowledge 誰でもよくやるミスですね。 ![]() ![]() |
[2024-05-22 19:22:09]
>>13 匿名さん
OK. Now the time is beginning to ripen in which we can attempt to recover a greater elasticity of our framework by going back to the beginning, to the nature of things and the nature of a man who stubbornly insists on not putting a nameplate to the entrance of his apartment house (which he wants to call a condominium) and on not being in the current situation of putting off disposing machines from our apartment houses in the light of new knowledge on SDGs, and building up our scheme anew. This new humanism, if we attempt it, must, in the first place, attempt to do justice to the variety of human nature and refrain from giving preeminence to any one aspect--a task which demands a difficult combination of altruism and tolerance. It must attempt to do justice to our incompleteness, and the constant change in knowledge and outlook which we must hope for. This demands sacrifice almost intolerable to certain minds --the sacrifice to certitude. Thus our conclusion is that we must put nameplates to our apartmenthouse in taking into account the convenience of postmen and we have to put off disposing machine systems from our kitchen. |
[2024-05-22 21:00:55]
>>14 つづき
Humanism, with the aid of the picture given by Science, can achieve a framework strong enough for support. In the light of evolution, she can see an unlimited possibility of human betterment. And she can see that possibility as a continuation of the long process of biological betterment that went before the appearance of man. If humanism cannot have the fixed certitude of dogma, it can at least have a certitude of direction and aim. The altruistic forces of human nature need not be restricted to isolated acts of doing good. They can harness themselves for the task of throwing away our disposing machine from our kitchens, inspiring because of its very size, of slowly moving mankind along the upward evolutionary path. |
[2024-05-23 15:49:37]
[2024-05-23 19:03:41]
[2024-05-23 19:04:51]
mr no name
[2024-05-24 23:46:12]
>>17 マンション掲示板さん
<< The Plan is not a grand affair simply for the presidents of the republic and for the gouvernements : it is a grand affair for the people of Amagasaki and all the people of Kanzaki >>, has declared M. Chaban-Delmas in the cours of an interview televised. << This plan, has continued thePremier ministre, for the next cinq years, up to 2029 included, will be a chart of economical and social developpement of Amagasaki, that is every concitoyen will be directly concerned with lui. This plan aims at, in effect, our ambitions in all the domaines without excepter any one of it et equally the efforts which we will have to deployer in order to realize these ambitions. >> |